"God is 'Science" is God' " ...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Philosophy and the most fundamental questions..!!

Philosophy ponders the most fundamental questions humankind has been able to ask. These are increasingly numerous and over time they have been arranged into the overlapping branches of philosophy:

: What makes for good thinking? When can I say for sure that something just does not make sense? How can I think critically about complicated arguments? What makes a good argument?

: What is the nature of knowledge? How do we come to know what we know? What are the limits and scope of knowledge? How can we know that there are other minds (if we can)? How can we know that there is an external world (if we can)? How can we prove our answers? What is a true statement? What methods are there to answer fundamental questions?

: What sorts of things exist? What is the nature of those things? Do some things exist independently of our perception? What is the nature of space and time? What is the relationship of the mind to the body? What is it to be a person? What is it to be conscious? Is there a god? Does God exist? Is there only the material realm?

Ethics: Is there a difference between ethically right and wrong actions (or values, or institutions)? If so, what is that difference? Which actions are right, and which wrong? Do divine commands make right acts right, or is their rightness based on something else? Are there standards of rightness that are absolute, or are all such standards relative to particular cultures? How should I live? What is happiness? What will I do under specific circumstances and why?

Aesthetics: What is art? What is beauty? Is everything that is beautiful art? Is there a standard of taste? Is art meaningful? If so, what does it mean? What is good art? Is art for the purpose of an end, or is "art for art's sake?" What connects us to art? How does art affect us? Is some art unethical? Does art have limits? Can art corrupt or elevate societies?

Think about all these things my dear friends..
We will discuss further...!!


Data Source: Wikipedia
Picture Source:Dept. of Philosophy,
William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ 07470, USA.


  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Kapil, at Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:07:00 PM  

  • On April 01, 2006,
    Kapil - kapilkantkaul@gmail.com - wrote

    plz have a look at my blog and comment whr i discuss bout the future of knowdlege..it wud b the third post from the tio ..I m lookin fwd 2 ur participation



    I don't know how and why it was removed.


    By Blogger Chaos And Order - "Satheesh", at Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:19:00 AM  

  • Expecting a discussion on the topics "logic" and "epistemology".

    By Blogger Peelikkutty!!!!!, at Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:32:00 PM  

  • HI Peelikkutty,

    Thanks a lot for visiting my blogs and commenting..!

    Can you tell me what kind of a discussion you are looking at?

    I will be able to fine-tune my post based on your views.

    Please keep commenting..!!

    email: einstein.satheesh@gmail.com
    Mobile: +91-9900263345

    By Blogger Chaos And Order - "Satheesh", at Thursday, September 07, 2006 10:34:00 PM  

  • Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind..quoting A.E ofcourse

    well am into this:
    "A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

    nice blog btw...
    Philo + science is a mind-boggling combination

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, September 09, 2006 1:17:00 AM  

  • in the mid-nineteenth century logic has been commonly studied in mathematics and law. More recently logic is applied in computer science and artificial intelligence.can u differentiate both?

    By Blogger Peelikkutty!!!!!, at Monday, September 11, 2006 1:23:00 AM  

  • @@ Anonymous -- I am curious to know about you. Please let me know more.

    @@ Peelikkutty - I will. Certainly. Can you give me ma a week for an article on this? :-) Little bit packed with a project deadline..!!

    Your blog is interesting. The pics on Aranmula boat race is a good one. Why don't you have an Englisg blog too?

    email: einstein.satheesh@gmail.com
    Mobile: +91-9900263345

    By Blogger Chaos And Order - "Satheesh", at Monday, September 11, 2006 2:00:00 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Peelikkutty!!!!!, at Monday, September 11, 2006 9:44:00 PM  

  • hi.today is friday.hope monday you'll be ready with the article:-)

    By Blogger Peelikkutty!!!!!, at Friday, September 15, 2006 1:38:00 AM  

  • Again Friday!!!!

    By Blogger Peelikkutty!!!!!, at Friday, September 22, 2006 1:41:00 AM  

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